Making Cuts and Hitting Cons

I should probably just name this newsletter "This Month in Comics", but I paid too much for the domain. I'm back from my annual beach vacation with the family. I spent time in the pool, saw Wild Horses on the beach, and even read some of my backlog! Now I'm refreshed and ready to put all my energy into preparing for Heroes Con 2024.

Simply put, Heroes Con is the best comics convention I've ever been to. It was also my first, but with each outing I take, it still rings true. I doubt this year's visit to NYCC will change my mind. Imagine the biggest room you've ever been in, but filled wall-to-wall with comics, art prints and industry professionals. It's where I met Jonathan Hickman, Chris Claremont and Louise Simonson within minutes of each other. It's the event that made me say to myself "I have to remain part of this community." And perhaps most notably, it's worth the 3 hour drive and the 3 days away from my family, who I never like to leave alone.

I'm arriving in Charlotte early Friday morning, as the first panel I want to see is at 1pm that day (Stephanie Williams, Marc Guggenheim, Greg Rucka AND Rodney Barnes? Take my money!). I'll be at the con all day Friday and Saturday. Sunday will be a game-time decision, as it's always tough being away from home on Father's Day. But if you're coming to town, let me know in a reply to this e-mail so we can arrange a meetup!

Kickstarter Spotlight

There are quite a few cool comics projects on Kickstarter right now! As you may have seen, Dynamite gave me the honor of breaking the news on 3 brand new Darkwing Duck collections! Almost every Darkwing comic is getting a reprint in the form of these oversized hardcovers (or trade paperbacks for the cost-conscious crowd). Now all I need is that Boom Studios/Joe Books series, and my collection will be complete! Campaign ends July 3rd.

Friend-of-the-Channel Wolly McNair just hit goal on his L'Ton campaign, and I'm really excited to get my hands on this book, as it's "The Wire meets Netflix's Daredevil Season One", and it's set in a real life city about an hour away from me. 11 days left to back!

Finally, recent guest Chris O'Hara's Artificial #2 campaign ends in less than 20 hours. It's trippy story of Vincent Van Gogh battling AI Zombies in the future. I can't do it justice in this e-mail, so I'll let you listen to the podcast to learn more.

Making Cuts

If you watched this week's Pull List video, you'll notice I've been working to cut my weekly stack down. I did this a year ago, and found it A LOT easier back then. This year's influx of licensed comics, plus solid offerings from the big two are making it harder and harder to stay on a budget. I'm trying to diversify my palate, so the first books that have to go are superhero comics that I've been buying emotionally and not reading. It's going to hurt to let them go. I guess you could say the first cut is the deepest? I'm all ears if you have any tips.

Read Something Dope Today,


Comics Are Dope

Celebrating everything Dope about comics. Curated by BJ KICKS.

Read more from Comics Are Dope

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