I've been holding onto a bit of a secret. For the last several months, my wife and I have been house hunting. It started out as just window shopping, scoping out neighborhoods and making mental notes for the end of our lease next year. But when we found out we were expecting another child, it became clear we needed a space upgrade ASAP. Simply put, we can't fit another human in this house, so... we're moving! For peace of mind's sake, I don't talk much about my private life on the internet....
3 months ago • 1 min read
It's been a crazy couple of weeks, huh? Amid all the upheaval, perhaps the biggest change in my daily routine is having to post more on BlueSky, where my follower count jumped from 500 to 1500 seemingly overnight. If you're up for adding another time suck to that rectangle you spend way too much time looking at, it seems BlueSky is where the bulk of comic creators have landed after a concerning update to Xwitter's Terms of Service agreement. Repost this image (if you dare) Saturday, I decided...
3 months ago • 1 min read
Fun fact: I started typing this email nearly 2 weeks ago, back when I was still pretending I wasn’t dog tired and didn’t need a break after the whirlwind that was New York Comic Con. I crashed into a sleep coma the Tuesday after NYCC and left this message sitting in the drafts. In the week since, I’ve had a major auto repair, a surprise flat tire on my way to vote the next day, and had to put down my mom's family dog. And that was all AFTER the splitting headache that knocked me out last...
3 months ago • 2 min read
New York Comic Con 2024 has finally gone from thing I'm super nervous about to trip I'm SUPER excited for. And as I type this, I’m actually sitting at the gate, waiting to board my flight. I spent most of yesterday frantically packing my bags, then most of this morning putting the final touches on some videos that will premiere on the channel while I’m gone. Speaking of, here’s an early look at today’s video: Check out my NYCC Schedule, plus a look at what I’m bringing with me! I don’t fully...
4 months ago • 1 min read
New York Comic Con is a week away, and let's just say I don't feel prepared at all. I'm just wrapping my mind about the scope of it all, and doing my best to not give into feelings of overwhelm. On Friday, I'll be attending several private events, a few panels, and conducting at least 2 interviews on the convention floor. I'm doing my best to reserve Saturday to just explore Artist Alley and meetup with past guests like Morgan Hampton, Nikolas Draper-Ivey and Trevor Fernandes-Lienkiewicz....
4 months ago • 2 min read
This week marked the soft opening of my LCS, Fight or Flight Comics at their brand new location in my local mall. I've been there every day for a week, doing everything from moving boxes to advising on furniture and display placement. I even took a break from vlogging to upsell a customer into some DC Comics, because I wanted the joy of giving someone a Justice League membership card. Safe to say, I've been enjoying my stint as a part time pseudo-employee. Hopefully, Dan lets me keep using...
5 months ago • 1 min read
I haven't said much about it, but I got back in the gym this summer. Since early June, I've prioritized exercising 3-5 times every week. It was easy enough during the summer months, but I had to kick it up a notch when school started up again in August. Each weekday morning, I stop at the gym on the way home from my daughter's school, queue one of my favorite podcasts (right now I'm binging The Short Box: A Comic Book Talk Show archives), and lift weights for about 30 minutes. It's been a...
5 months ago • 3 min read
One month from today, I'll be on a plane headed to New York City for the first time since I was 12. I'm attending my first New York Comic Con, and I'll be doing so as an official member of the press! If you ever see me in cosplay at a convention, it wasn't me you saw. As I expressed last week, we've been slowly growing out of the "lucky excited YouTuber" and into the "respected member of the press" era of Comics Are Dope, and this convention is a major step in that process. It wouldn't have...
5 months ago • 3 min read
Being an adult is weird. The older I get, the more I just feel like a bigger kid. I mean sure, I'm paying bills and making big decisions. But I'm also reading comic books, and I still look to the left and right before sneaking a chocolate chip cookie out of the pantry. Perhaps the biggest gap between my perceived and actual maturity levels comes in parenting. Today, I'm headed to a parent teacher conference. There will almost certainly be a moment where the teacher will tell me something very...
5 months ago • 1 min read